would fail one or another of the painter Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach outline as eccentric, if it were alive today. As chair of the avant-garde brush but more than 100 years, drove his essence (can you say that, contrary to a positive nuisance, similar to the vermin?), Welcomed him to his contemporaries probably crazy. After all, he was probably the first to live in something of a self-created municipality, became a vegetarian and an ascetic, dressed only in bag type fatigues and lived quite well so I think, called the apostle-kohlrabi to be.
Another friend of the Kohlrabi would also like to live in a commune, or rather similar to the middle of a hominid model harem. The reader will know that we are talking about Bernard, known as the Pavia-free from the Leipzig Zoo. Today there was an update in the MDR, Bernd has now reached it actually to build their own harem, consisting only of a single lady, but it's a start. Once again, the nurses indiscreet told about him, his delayed development and that he was clumsy something (which was highlighted visually through images, as Bernd ran just in front of a tree root), but also that he might, since he of childhood knew and cared . When it was dinner, turnips and cauliflower, stuffed our protagonist again rapidly complete with everything before he was chased by other men as the Groundhog. Whether it was that television was there or whether it's always like, I do not, in any case implied his panic Schlingerei a post-use the cubes cough ..... adorable.
Also on television, that's like already mentioned the stupid stupid and makes the wise wiser, I saw a post on the empress of Denmark, Margrethe II, this had yielded to their creative bursts and for the ballet school of a friend costumes designed, should bear the children during a public performance. I always find it to be especially popular, when actually designing unapproachable blue-blooded of old curtains and neon green cardboard craft costumes, even if I do then the children suffering, which they must then forced to perform. Simply enchanting to read body language and facial expressions of the children (even without a Samy Molcho to be), a child was forced even before the camera (using a on from the Off-looking shotgun) to say how great it will find the panel would. All clapped and praised the work of the aged monarch, even camera crews were there and shot a myriad of useless images. No one mentioned things like "if we, the kindergarten teachers to Nicholas celebration something would have thought, would be thrown out the 'or so, no, no word of criticism about the traumatic crimes to the juvenile subjects, only unanimous consent. A journalist asked something snippy whether to resign because henceforth the empress and instead wanted to work creatively, after which Milady was abruptly bitchy and the man I think twenty years in the salt mines banned and lifelong Aquavitverbot imposed.
These parallels to real life, be it in the analogy with animals in the zoo or to the macrocosms the aristocratic world in the mirror of reality, are taught valuable, and if you look and learn, will be able to handle it.
Laugh now, cry later......