....... attentive listener hears often when he gives the people's voice heard.
Mostly, these statements relate to the face of it little things, but apparently, the whole system as such and lasting influence on the thought patterns of various club officials.
recently I read in a news letter that the statutory Board requests that an association to include in the constitution that all members of the extended Executive Board by the applicant to be appointed and removed and no longer common in this society, the sovereign of the association, the Annual General Meeting (or : the people).
Was been customary to said representative of extended board basis for choice of, the HV-called special representative as defined in BGB and therefore authorized to independently working for their business were, it would henceforward only pliant stooge of its executive committee. This of course makes it Sense if a board is working only in their own interest and does statutes and regulations violated. Because then you could be undisturbed to fill their pockets because no one is there to regulate the charges say.
you had not previously docile public official silence by illegitimate methods at the expense of the club treasury to risk making and to be reminded of higher instance to the basic applicability of statutes (and perhaps bear the costs of deliberate conduct itself) would you think they just released and ready.
What exactly does that is because so many Readers ask? Well, it means that the sovereign can only determine the five board positions by choice, all other posts are filled, the conglomerate of five friends, similar to the previous Central Committee. The Central Committee appoints, of course, only party secretaries who are on line and have clean squad files regardless of knowledge and skills ..... and this is still more than ten items.
arises basically nothing more than a single list, the diversity of thought and action is avoided and changes are largely excluded. 'But no one would have even more than just a paragraph of the Statute change, it simply is not ', is proclaimed as the registered affine other readers. Correct in principle, but who holds itself to statutes and regulations, if he has the first step towards total control behind? Already judgments of higher instances are simply ignored, instead of being subjected to consequences to you or continued to work towards escalation.
One can only hope that each sovereign noticed what was intended here, is concerned that the club does not sink as well as incompetence in this country where not everything said to have been badly ..... .