I want the reader confess that I am partially of sticking to the superstition. Not this mainstream forms that bring only death and destruction due to various forms of faith with them. The other day I read in congested traffic on a bumper sticker provocative: "My God carries a hammer, your nailed to a piece of wood - in other words, what would you tell me?" Well, what one blasphemy is another compelling argument .. ..
For me it only the conviction that the weal and woe of a daily routine sometimes related to it, which song in the early morning gedudelt is on the radio. So I know that it's better to slip back into bed when one is being tortured during the morning coffee with Phil Collins, Tina Turner, or even the Beach Boys. A day can only go in your pants. Today, however, really made the Fancy the morning, we all because of 'Flames of Love' right to worship, followed by Wolfgang 'Wolle' Petry, the god-idol of the common man.
Maybe you could even make stickers on which are things like "God is not with hammer, not the cross he carries only plaid shirt and mustache" and sell them at gas stations in the Ruhr area .... is not no fun waiting round to be a millionaire (one can ever take shortly before 30 Death, as I think )..... but maybe the jump from wool to Bon Scott Petry too heavy ......
Back to the topic. On such days, the promising start to pull one through when looking at the developments at all levels are historical measures brain. This year we celebrate so the 2000th Anniversary of the Varus battle, which is curiously named after the loser. In a way, a groundbreaking event. 'He has drawn which Schweinskaldaunen quite long' is proclaimed as the history of romantic, but that's not the point. Rather, I think it is important that the protagonist, which some Arminius sources call (after the Berlin workers named in the Moabit district a covered market) was in a position among warring factions in a temporary reminder of the common purpose, common values.
often succeeds despotic systems, the only reason to stay in power because the opposition is divided. Succeeds, however, this one at least temporarily, it is always possible to force the arrogant tyrant to his knees, provided one is prepared tactically good. Our Arminius the Romans would certainly never confronted in the open field, his tactics were of course, designed on the circumstances. Some criticize someone who is that has made quite dramatically tabula rasa, but on the other hand, perhaps it is sometimes necessary, especially in emergency situations, to press the reset button social ......
heroes who survive, but can also be brave lone warrior whose ostensibly heroic failure advanced by the persistence of the values in the end to win. Everyone knows the grand thinker Giordano Bruno, who had two qualities that he was in a society of greed and power of thought to doom - knowledge and belief. The alerte Cosmopolit really had an eventful life, which he always under the condition 'Knowledge rather than belief' gave. Of course he beat here and there over the traces, but only the boring man lives of lukewarm tea and grapefruit juice, which today is no different.
inevitably had to land, this free spirit which was damaging the reputation of those who are stuffing their pockets and lying to the people, stupid thought, before the Inquisition. What should we do already, if one is accused of magic and heresy? If you withdraw, you will nevertheless lagged, so you can navigate through a big show more and possibly make the system more tolerable for all. Giordano has handled and was promptly ordered to the stake ....... but honestly, who knows today, who was at that time in the Civil Code Board of the Inquisition? How right he was when he meet them cried
"With greater fear you proclaim perhaps the sentence against me than I was accepting."

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