Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lexus Is250 Vs Toyota Corolla

Day 25 - A photograph of the town you live in "- to

Hallöchen dear ones,

on various blogs that I like to read that I learned of this great blogger action of O2.

So you take part in this great action:

First, choose your favorite cell phone and
Decide on one of the five smartphones.

Compose a blog post or send a tweet via Twitter or Facebook.
Explain O2 with your post, why did you choose this phone.
O2 Send a link to your blog post or tweet and with luck, win the selected phone.

* HERE *
you get to the action.

Since my contract expires soon and I need a new phone anyway, I will of course invited to join this great blogger action.

After short consideration I have decided for this phone:
HTC Desire HD

I opted for the HTC Desire HD because I use my HTC (Touch Diamond 2) am very satisfied and it can be a HTC recommend. A touch screen anyway, I find, therefore, totally super this ideal for me and also the technical data refers to it here have convinced me totally. I think it's great that it has a large display, where the surf on the internet but like a lot more fun. The camera with 8 megapixels I am also totally super, and above all the videos you make are in HD with the HTC.

Only four steps separate you from the successful participation in the competition.

first Smartphone select

second (include link) A post or tweet write

third Link to this post or tweet filed with O2

4th Profits.

do so but also :-)



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