Lately one hears again and again so miraculous about the machinations of the main breed warden of DCNH, Guido Schäfer. His latest coup is certainly the one that he wants to ban unwanted members distribute, in blog entries and forums unpleasant truths about him. If the Member concerned does not comply, a fine would be paid € 250,000. I ask myself again and again yes, why are there lawyers who formulate such a request on behalf of a client actually - should it really be only in the liquidation?
I also wonder why it is allowed to check for no one, that said Guido Schäfer, HZW DCNH and the Judge felt the VDH for 10 000 races, it still dares to embezzle the papers for one of my dogs in which he refused to forward the documents to the stud book, although required by the regulations. I also see no problem in such a claim on public pronounce, as they truly compliant .....
the latter demanded that Mr Schaefer of the operator of an Internet forum, the removal of a photograph, which reproduced a snapshot of a dog show in the Czech Republic and that the word 'Clever & Smart' included as an addition. Which was founded with the fact that Mr. Schaefer believed seen on the photo to himself, and his Fiancé, the equally famous Judge Klaus Strack .... the only Judge in the VDH, the never even a single dog has grown and has only recently knows what a Siberian Husky (assume here cousins or Fiancéwirtschaft, of course, is far-fetched .... no one would argue that here was sponsored bein hard .... is absurd).
I wonder what did she say Mr. Schaefer, the world-famous breed judge, his lawyer. 'Think of times before, lawyer, but has since set a picture of me and the Klaus and' Clever and Smart 'over written, just to make us look ridiculous. " The lawyer then smiled inwardly as it did Nick Cage in the film, as a client it is a manipulated photo of their beloved, and Mike Tyson was? Or, he said quite seriously: 'Dear client, I understand your anger, this is a baseless impertinence, which we must put a stop - especially as you pull both yes on the image a face like a fiddle?
Well, I just know that I am clever and smart always seemed friendly, even if the plots were never really funny actually, but that's something else that is important is that the two figures are actually positive and adjectives such as 'clever' and 'smart', too. In Sweden, called the two guys 'Flink & Grope', so the cartoon characters, not the Judge.
Image: Brave Heart & Siegfried

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